Thursday, March 29, 2012

Steps to Help You Teach Children With Autism

You may be feeling grief upon receiving a diagnosis that your child has Autism or Aspergers Syndrome etc. Do not despair! There is hope! Many individuals on the autism spectrum have grown up to have productive, fulfilling lives. Your child can still have a bright future! One out of 120 children coming into the world are now being diagnosed with some form of autism. It appears to be becoming a world wide epidemic. You are not alone. Here are three alternative steps to take to improve your child's life and your own:
1. Creative expression
2. Telepathic Communication
3. Life Style Changes
It may be helpful to understand that many of them are Indigo or Rainbow children. This means that these children have more activated DNA, they are extremely sensitive, gifted, and highly intelligent. At the same time their speech may be delayed or others may have physical developmental challenges.
As such, children on the autism spectrum are often gifted in painting, drawing, sculpture and music. When you allow them to express themselves in these other mediums, the whole family will benefit. Creative expression is therapeutic in and of itself, as it allows freedom for feelings to be expressed in a safe, fun way. These feelings may otherwise be buried and come out later in a destructive way. For all of us, with or without autism, emotional expression is vital for our health and well-being. It is a normal part of being human. This is why music, painting, and drawing is important for autistic children. It provides them with another language, which may be easier, for the autistic child than verbal expression.
You don't have to be a professional artist or art therapist to support your child in expressing themselves. You can paint or draw along with them or create music together. If this is a challenge for you, just keep it simple and fun. Try to let go of your inner critic. Art education is vital for the development of the autistic child because it will develop their inner realm, and will help them discover who they are and how they fit into the world around them.
These children have a highly sensitive metabolism which means they may have a tendency to become overwhelmed by large groups of people, large classrooms, noise, and emotion. When they are feeling overwhelmed or over stimulated they can either withdraw further within themselves and from the outer world or they can become more hyperactive, or escalate the situation to have an emotional meltdown. At this point hugging or holding them can feel uncomfortable or even painful for the autistic child if they are highly sensitive to touch or energy. A highly sensitive autistic child may be clear sentient, clairvoyant and telepathic. It is more natural and easier for them to communicate this way. You will learn to appreciate their strengths and what they have to offer the world.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Multiple Intelligences - Educational Success

Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences has been grasped by the education community as a wonderful and meaningful way to acknowledge, "We are not all the same, we do not all have the same kind of minds, and education works most effectively for most individuals if... human differences are taken seriously." (Gardner, 1995)

Today's education is riddled with funding issues, dropped music and art classes for economic purposes, and problems with lower test scores. Why aren't new teachers using Howard Gardner's "Multiple Intelligences" as a tool to reach as many students as possible?

The Multiple Intelligences are: Auditory, Kinesthetic, Visual/Spatial, Intraspective, Interspective, Logical/Mathematical and Linguistic. Gardner suggested three more intelligences-Naturalist- Natural Environment, Spiritual/Existential- Religion /Philosophical, Moral- Ethics, Humanity, Value of Life.

These last three "intelligences" are more difficult to assess, but have been recognized in people who have improved the quality of life for others.

Human differences, our uniqueness, offer valuable contributions to society. There is creativity in everyone. Studies have found that after the rigors of raising a family, or after retirement, latent talents have been discovered, and these talents were present throughout life, but not encouraged.

It is up to parents and teachers to provide intelligent environments. Many were educated with teachers and parents who did not encourage cultural diversity, and did not say they could draw a purple tree, or sing an off- beat song. They did not ignite their imaginations, and give them quiet time to process the world's wonder and its' opportunities. No, multiple intelligences was not stressed in the teacher education classes, or spoken in the Pediatrician's office. School systems, so caught up in fiduciary problems, don't even think about getting to the root of education, which is really teaching, tailored toward the child. The IEP's (Individual Educational Plan) rarely include assessing the "talents" of the child and then incorporating that learning style into his curriculum.

To teach using the Multiple Intelligences, students should be sitting at tables of six. If there are desks, they may be arranged in a group of six. The chairs or desks, should have space underneath for book storage. Each table or group is a team. The room is like a corporation "brainstorming" room. The teacher chooses the captain (facilitator), recorder, materials leader, for each group and the jobs will rotate around the group.

The responsibilities of the captain will be to keep the table's students on task, and will be in charge of reporting the results of the final project. Another student will record who is doing what task for the project. This helps the teacher grade an individual student on the project. Each table will become a "team," and create a team name. The teacher guides the class through the steps of the lesson, and the material's student at each table will be the only one getting up for the supplies needed for the lesson. Each student's talents will be used within the group.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

How Programs for Troubled Youth Avoid Bullying

Does your child go home from school annoyed, aloof, and, sometimes, with bruises? Do your neighbors complain about your kid being aggressive, impulsive, and dominating? If you constantly experience these scenarios, you are most likely a parent who has to deal with your child's bullying. Some may not consider bullying serious compared to other incidents of violence, but its effect can mark the victim and perpetrator until their adulthood. Apart from incidents in the classroom and community setting, cyber-bullying can also occur as more children now have access to the Internet.
Consequences of Bullying
Besides the physical injury and damage, bullying victims endure and develop health problems like sleeping difficulties and psychological issues. With depression, low self-esteem, and fear, victims of bullying can also have problems with problems in school especially if they don't receive enough attention from teachers or parents. Bullying can also cause economic costs on law enforcement agencies, healthcare providers, and social service organizations.
Prevalence of Bullycide Cases
There are reports of victims of bullying who commit suicide after being bullied for a long time through different forms; this is called bullycide. Bullycide can also refer to a victim's death as perpetrated by a bully. Since the first bullycide case in 1967, thousands of victims have already passed away due to bullying. Aside from the victim's loved ones' who have grieved from their loss, the world could have benefited from those victims. One bullycide victim could have been the one to discover a cure for cancer, suggest a feasible solution to minimize global warming, or even develop a new financial system to address widespread poverty and suffering.
Comprehensive Approach to Education
To tackle the issue, authorities from the government and education sectors have issued laws, directives, and teen programs to protect the nation's youth. Such comprehensive approaches to education accentuate the role of teachers, parents, and community leaders in helping teens cope with their social lives. As authority figures, parents have the obligation to look out for telltale signs of bullying, and to act to protect your child.
Boarding Schools for Troubled Youth
Enrolling your children in an school that offers unique programs for teenagers can be a good way to prevent the harsh effects of bullying. Such schools developed their own curriculums and classroom settings that provide a safe environment for your child's growth and emotional development. They also have dormitories where your child can stay during the school year

Monday, March 12, 2012

ADHD In Teenagers - Is Your Teen In Need Of ADHD Drugs, Or Are They Feeding Their Addiction?

It would be foolhardy for me, or anyone one else for that matter, to deny the fact that ADHD in teenagers is a growing problem, not only in the United States, but all over the world. After all, statistics don't lie, and if recent statistics are anything to go by, the number of teens living with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) has increased tenfold in recent years. The question which many researchers are asking is why.

Some experts believe it's because we have more reliable and more robust ADHD screening procedures in place these days, and that because more people are familiar with the signs and symptoms of the disorder, more cases are being brought to the attention of health care providers.

On the other hand, a lot of people are arguing that many doctors aren't adequately experienced in this field, and are therefore likely to misdiagnose ADHD. In a perfect world, a psychiatrist or pediatrician lacking experience in this field would refer their patient to a different doctor, but as we all know, we don't live in a perfect world.

Many specialists in this field, including many people working in government agencies such as the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) believe that many of the cases involving ADHD in teenagers aren't legitimate cases and that many teens are actually faking the disorder. As many have pointed out, it's very easy for a teen to go online in order to familiarize themselves with ADHD symptoms, and then fake those symptoms for the sole purpose of obtaining the prescription drugs which are routinely used for treating ADHD.

Let's take a look at one possible scenario. Your teenage son spends a lot of his time hanging out with all his college pals, some of which might already be taking ADHD stimulant drugs, either legally or illegally. At some point, you son is offered some of these tablets. Maybe he takes them so he can stay awake longer than usual because he wants to study for an important exam. Maybe he's been invited to a party, and wants to stay awake all night just like his friends do.

Because these amphetamine-like ADHD drugs are so addictive, your son soon has a habit over which he has no control. He now has to rely on friends to keep him supplied, but because these drugs are a Class ll Controlled Substance, acquiring them without a prescription could land him in prison. Rather than risk his freedom, he goes online and does some research regarding ADHD symptoms, and before long, he's behaving just as any other ADHD teen behaves. As a parent, you're concerned so you take him to doctor for screening. Not having much experience, the doctor decides your son does indeed have ADHD, and duly prescribes ADHD stimulant drugs.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

8 Steps to Help You Stay Balanced for Teaching the Child With Autism

An autistic child can be extremely challenging to live with or teach at times. Your own self-care is vital as you can easily become drained and thrown off balance by the demands of parenting or teaching these kids. This is being wisely selfish. Do something you love to do every day which will recharge you. If you love to swim, go swimming, if you love to play music, then play music, if you love to garden, then spend time in your garden, if you love to ride horses then go riding. Do whatever you need to do to care for yourself. You are the most important person to influence your child so they need you to be grounded and balanced.
Here are 8 STEPS to HELP YOU recover your energy and help you stay balanced.
1. Make a strong determination to overcome this challenge and to not be defeated by this diagnosis of autism.
2. Adjust your attitude from how unfortunate I am to have an autistic child to how blessed I am to be given a child whose mission it is to bring Light and Love to this world! See the gifts autism has to offer. The only thing we can control is our attitude and the most positive attitude is one of hope.
3. Strengthen your Faith. Implement a spiritual practice if you do not already have one. Whatever spiritual path that will nourish your spirit during difficult days. Prayer, mindful meditation and chanting are some ways which can help strengthen your faith.
4. Listen to and follow your Intuition which will guide you.
5. Appreciate your partner. You are not alone you are together as one team facing this challenge. Be determined that the challenge of autism is not going to tear apart your marriage. Take time out to spend time as a couple.
6. Find and build a support network especially if you are a single parent. Remind yourself that you are not alone. Talk to other parents either in a support group or in an online forum. Find support that uplifts you.
7. Do your inner work. It is important to clear your emotional baggage and negative beliefs that do not serve you anymore as children will tend to mirror your inner state. Find a healing modality that is effective and gentle, and a practitioner that you feel comfortable and safe with.
8. To care for yourself I recommend these simple methods:
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Deep Breathing exercises
  • Receive Reiki to raise your life force and relieve stress
  • Take Access Body Talk course as a simple First Aid technique

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